Social Media Marketing

Using social media platforms to connect with your target audience to build your brand, increase sales, and drive website traffic.

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Why Social Media Marketing is Important

Social media marketing is the practise of promoting business through various social media platforms. It’s a very powerful revenue-enhancing strategy, bringing attention to your services.


There are numerous companies that have no idea how important social media marketing is to how they can improve prospects for their companies. Social media marketing is the fastest way to get more people into your website and lead more. Social media marketing is an effective marketing strategy for all business types. I’m discussing some points right for your business.


It’s a very natural platform to get targeted potential customers. Through social media marketing, you can spread your business ideas to the public to get the target audience and increase business turnover. Using social platforms, accessing the target market is easy.

Why Social Media is Important For Business Marketing

Let ‘s start with one simple fact: your company needs social media. If you run a small local shop or a major national business doesn’t matter. Social media is an essential part of your marketing strategy. Social media help you communicate with consumers, raise brand recognition and improve leads and sales. Each month, with more than three billion people worldwide using social media, it’s no passing phenomenon.


What you may not know is that you are now ready to get your company’s social media off the ground. You needn’t know every intimidating buzzword or have the magic number of followers. You can get going immediately — and even enjoy yourself.

Here are six reasons why investing in social media is wise.

1. Build Awareness

If people don’t know your business, they can’t be your customers. Social media boosts your exposure with potential clients, enabling you to reach a large audience with great time and effort. And building a business profile on all major social networks is easy, so you have nothing to lose.


Define what you want to get out of a social media approach. Want new customers to discover your services? Hope to get more local shoppers to your stores? By keeping your strategy relevant, you can decide which channels are best for your company.

2. Communicate Authority

Customers are more and more informed about which companies they endorse. Before making a decision, they can check quickly to access your website and social media.


Find an empty storefront or a rich source of information? Setting up robust profiles that you frequently update with relevant content will build your brand ‘s authority and make sure you get a positive first impression through social media, showing that your business is trustworthy, knowledgeable and accessible.


Look for ways to show your experience as a leading thinker in your industry — like writing pieces relevant to your knowledge or extending your business goal. By showing what your business offers and values, you will trust potential customers.

3. Show Authenticity

Customers aren’t interested in publishing flat, corporate-style social media messages. Instead, let your brand ‘s personality shine through all you share on social media. What’s your brand voice like? Why does it represent you?

Practice getting your tone perfect, whether casual, amusing, or formal, friendly. Be real, not who you think you should be. Followers want real people behind their social profiles. Display it.

4. Encourage Engagement

Social channels evolve, constantly releasing new features, and this rapidly changing environment can intimidate some business owners. Play new ways to connect with your audience, and let yourself learn as you go. One day, you could post a series of Instagram storeys to give your office customers a behind-the-scenes tour. Next, you can host a quick Q&A session via Facebook Live streaming. You’ll get a better idea of your followers’ preferences over time.


You can create engaging social media video content with a simple setup — good lighting, camera, and tripod. Remember, make sure your internet connexion or hotspot has enough bandwidth to prevent delays and interruptions before you go online.

5. Provide Support

Social platforms successfully broke down barriers between companies and customers. Now, instead of calling a customer service line, many people turn to Facebook or Twitter for troubleshooting or information.


Develop your reputation as a responsive, caring brand through social channels:


  1. Develop a system to monitor customer feedback, queries, and social media grievances.
  2. Answer questions and concerns as quickly as possible.
  3. Go out to be positive and helpful.
  4. Hear feedback and make consumers feel understood.
  5. Know when to solve privately-owned conversations.

6. Grow Affordably

Marketing expenses add up, and not all companies can fund massive campaigns. But with social media ads, you can get more value for your dollar. Your company, regardless of size or budget, can grow your audience and reach your goals through advertising on social media like Facebook and Instagram.


Know who you’re trying to reach when building an ad campaign and what goal you want to achieve so you don’t waste your budget on unhelpful advertising. Stop over-sales advertising and select content that educates or entertains (or does both simultaneously).


Social media is a crucial part of your business marketing, but management doesn’t have to be stressful. Take the first step, create a profile, and engage your customers.

Using Social Media To Grow Your Brand Awareness

1. Create Brand Recognition

Brand awareness is one of the most critical marketing goals of any company. Consumers continue to purchase brands they know. Thankfully, social media enables easy , effective brand building. Social media differs from mainstream media because it can get the name much quicker and clearer than people. Moreover, even when they don’t think about your company or product, it gets the audience looking at the company.


Tip: Pay attention to cover images. A perfect way to establish brand awareness is also just strategically positioning the logo. You want to make sure it’s not overwhelming or distracting.


Make sure the brand’s graphics are well reflected. Watch Nike’s Twitter page. Nike keeps their Twitter profile clean. They place their recognisable logo on their profile image and cover photo without overbearing. The cover photo is particularly successful as it links the Nike logo to running.

2. Generate A Conversation Around Your Brand

A good marketing plan for social media will create dialogue about your company , products and partners. Take PlayStation ‘s example. A simple post saying congratulations to Naughty Dog (the company behind the new Uncharted 4 video game) for the game’s success. They received a lot of feedback about their product. They even had people talking. Fans had genuine conversations, facilitated by social media.


Tip: Reach your audience while posting on your social media. Make sure they know there’s a human behind the brand. Ensuring they don’t feel like talking to a robot can give them a stronger view of the business and make them feel like a valued customer.


Share material that inherently encourages dialogue. Some of these ways are:


  1. Offer other companies you network and work with shout-outs.
  2. Request your product reviews.
  3. Ask open ended questions, then let the respondent actively answer them.

3. Learn How To Connect With Your Audience Through Social Listening

Social listening is monitoring social conversations on certain topics. It helps you understand what’s important to your audience and identify your target audience’s trends.


You’ll learn what they’re struggling with, which can help you create content that addresses these pain points. You can also identify your target audience’s tone and language. Look at Twitter’s Burger King. They use the same slang that Twitter’s younger audience uses to represent themselves comedically. If you’re unsure how your audience’s tone and style match, social listening can help.


Tip: Make your social listening part of your daily routine and see what people are saying in your industry. To take your social listening to the next level, see Mention (the same social listening tool used by the CoSchedule team).

4. Tell Your Brand’s Story

Using social media is a great way to share and share your brand ‘s mission. Effective storeys can greatly impact your brand’s image. Depending on what you think is most important, they can be easy or comprehensive.


For example , take this Starbucks post. It simply tells the storey of someone getting a job at a hiring fair and helped their public image. It has only one picture, but it’s impactful and clear.


Tip: Share storeys of people using your product / service. If you get great reviews, share it! It’ll spread the message that your product is sufficiently effective to give you positive feedback.

5. Gather Data From Audience Research To Improve

Audience research resembles social listening. It searches your audience’s keywords, but it’s more focused on your specific product. Use social media to gather this information.


Tip: Both Facebook and Twitter allow you to view your posts’ reach and insights.


To see the perspectives on your Facebook profile, simply go to your admin page and they’ll be next to your cover photo. Twitter can view the insights of every tweet you post at the bottom of each tweet.

6. Provide Exceptional Customer Service That Keeps Your Followers Happy

Customers expect companies to handle their requests via social media. Strong customer service investment can build meaningful relationships between your company and customers. And with social media , customer service remains as challenging as before.


Social media enables immediate interaction and customer feedback. Businesses can also respond to customers immediately. With nearly half of U.S. consumers using social media to ask questions about products or services, having a social media customer support plan is important. Take this example with HuHot, a popular Mongolian grill chain restaurant in Upper Midwest (where offices of CoSchedule are located). A customer inquired about a time-sensitive situation, and the company answered in hours:


Tip: Assuming you have separate social media and customer service teams, a strong communication line between the two is important. Thus, your teams are not tangled when providing customer service through social media.

7. Build Customer Loyalty

What could be better than building brand loyalty free?


Customers follow and interact with their brands. But what’s interesting is that 53% of customers who follow your business are likely specifically loyal to your business.


It’s a straightforward correlation: if customers follow you, they ‘re more likely to choose you versus your competition. If they’re loyal customers, they’ll increase your traffic.


Tip: Keep your loyal audience engaged and happy. Here’s a few ideas:


  1. Offer promo codes for discounts to your followers through social media (preserving Facebook’s promotional content guidelines).
  2. Ask open-ended questions to answer your audience.
  3. Give away cheap things like stickers, patches, shirts, sunglasses, lanyards, hats, and coozies to make a long-lasting impression.

8. Direct Referral Traffic To Your Site Or Blog

Social media marketing will help bring consumers directly to your site. It’s unlikely all traffic will come through search engines. Social media channels allow more inbound traffic streams. While social networks are great for getting traffic to your site, you must consider not just what to post, but how often to post. You don’t want to be that overbearing marketer or turn off your customers.


Follow a set schedule for posting your content (link to one of our blog posts). This will help ensure your content is not only posted at the most effective time, it will also give you time to edit your content to help with your SEO.


Tip: Use to shorten your links in your posts and profiles. The shortened links will save the audience space, not overbearing. (With integration in your CoSchedule calendar, you can do this.)

9. Social Media Can Assist With Link Building

Social media can affect SEO indirectly. Let’s say you get 1,000 shares on a blog post because it contains strong content. Some of your followers may write similar content and link back to your original post as a source. Search engines will then see that your content has been linked back to a good amount and (hopefully) rank your post higher than your competition.


Google and Bing also display search results tweets. This feature is more relevant to trend topics.


Tip: Using a social media scheduling tool like CoSchedule will help you schedule and connect to your social media messages.

10. Establish Your Brand As A Topical Authority

Topical authority means that your company is a reliable source of knowledge. And where’s social media coming in? Establishing topical authority is a content marketing subset. The more you use social media to share related content, the more search engines can pick up your authority. This can make you go-to authority for a specific subject. The more authoritative your page increases traffic.


Page authority is a ranking based on how well a page ranks on a search engine. Domain authority is a ranking based on how well a website performs on a search engine. When looking for a source or writing text, use the Moz tool to find useful sources. The more numbers, the better.


Tip: Build a list of two dozen authoritative sources. Using Moz ‘s free toolbar to evaluate which pages are most authoritative, a fantastic way to find out what blogs and blog posts are topical. Moz scores 1–100 on how authoritative a website or post is. A simple thumb rule is that 60 is a simple site or post base number. Remember that a new site may not have gained authority, no matter how good it is.

11. Retarget Your Audience Using Social Media

Retargeting is a wonderful social media marketing tool. Generally, only 2 percent of customers buy something during their first visit to your site. Advertising can help that other 98%. One way is to run retargeting ads.


Retargeting works by keeping a list of people visiting your site, and placing anonymous “cookies” in your browser. When visiting a social media site, a retargeting programme shows advertisements. This allows your business to be in the customer’s eyes beyond when on your site.

Tip: There are some nice, easy-to-use retargeting devices. Check out those tools and find one for you. Use it to promote your company. But remember not annoying your customer.

12. Help Your Cause To Go Viral

We all know about viral ads; just take a stroll down memory lane and look at some of these amazing viral campaigns. Social media can make ads viral a huge impact. Indeed, that’s where most ads are shared. See, for example, Always’ #likeagirl ad campaign:


It not only spreads a fantastic message, it also gave a lot of positive publicity. The original ad aired in 2014, but their hashtag is still being used today. The hashtag will guide people from their social media pages to Always brand’s social media profile, then to their website. An effective viral ad can do the same. A viral ad ‘s beauty is you can get a lot of exposure for very little effort, having a massive ROI. But note, the attention shouldn’t be on pushing an ad to go viral.


Tip: Check your expectations. Reaching 20,000 right people is better than 500,000 random people. Although it can work out, it can be risky and expensive, so making something viral shouldn’t be your primary concern. It might push your business to try something unnatural. Virality comes with good material and good promotion.

13. Driving Conversions

Traffic’s traffic, right? Not entirely. What really matters is how much your traffic drives conversions. Four great ways to drive social media conversions:


A call to action is helpful because it motivates your customer to do something. They feel empowered to buy your product. You can also design your social media messages to appeal to the customer to take specific action, such as buying your product. Look at CoSchedule’s cover photo on our Facebook page, hiring the audience to start a 14-day trial as it shows they can rock their content marketing strategy. These ads can be placed on social media anywhere, and can direct customers to your site. The trick is to ensure your site keeps the customer engaged enough to continue buying the product. The entire process from call-to – action to final sale must be sufficiently engaging to prevent the customer from returning.


Contests: contests, free stuff. They ‘re all things no business wants to do, but they’re extremely helpful. Anyone would be more compelled to buy a product from a company they already got some free stuff from. Many companies will post images encouraging people to spread their content to get the word out. This post is a good example. To qualify for the bonus, you must follow four steps to repost the image, tag friends, and follow the original poster. All these steps will get people to visit your site following your business.


Ads: Let’s face it, nobody’s buying stuff on social media. They ‘re there to speak to friends or pursue their desires, and organic content that leads to ads is gross.
The goal is to get people’s attention and make them want to buy the product or service without giving them a negative impression.
Social media’s beauty is that it lets you place ads directly, so the audience doesn’t feel tricked. Facebook and Twitter allow you to post ads directly on your target market timeline. These ads will take you directly to your page and drive up those conversions!


Tip: Contrast the examples above and don’t depend on one. A healthy balance drives sales, and the buyers aren’t confused. Yet don’t add one regularly. Outspace them. Schedule them out early.


Building traffic landing pages will also help you increase social media conversions. Landing pages are similar to blog posts except they have an action button. If you build your website through WordPress, plugins can help you build landing pages — or you can use Unbounce if you have trouble building a landing page.

14. Promote Your Content

Sounds pretty common, right? Promote content, and promote product. Yet what’s the right way to do that? Let’s look at things that make a difference like headlines, a video, and post time. Every of these issues is important to remember when writing a social media post.


The most important thing in composing the messages is to be imaginative. You want to make sure you post original material.
Being imaginative and sharing storeys is an easy way to sell content without becoming an ad. Telling a storey by headline or promotional picture would encourage the viewer to create their own product impression.


Here are some innovative header photos that helped companies advertise themselves.


Tip: Master the art of telling storeys related to the product or service. These storeys will help bind your customer. You want to put yourself in your audience’s mind. First, you may want to get your ideas out (both material and promotion) and then touch them up. A social media scheduler like CoSchedule can help.

15. Communicate With Customers About Niche Topics You Both Love

Facebook alone has 620 million classes. Chances are your target audience is in a handful. Finding and involving these groups will benefit your audience (and endear them to your product).


You may also track people posting topics in your industry. If they like your company’s what they see, they’ll follow you back. That ‘s essential because 72 percent of consumers are more likely to purchase a product after they follow you.


Tip: Consider creating your own Facebook or LinkedIn community for your industry. You can see industry-wide discussions that can support you with marketing and product creation.

16. Use Social Proof To Connect With Potential Customers Like Your Existing Audience

Compare the restaurant website. You ‘re walking down the street looking for a place to eat and see a restaurant that’s empty and packed. You ‘d probably choose the packed restaurant, right? That’s the place with all the great food people want.


Same for your website. Nobody needs the stuff nobody else cares for. They want the one that’s doing well, often shared.
Obviously, it must be worth getting many shares or it must be authoritative. The content that is most shared must be authoritative or original. Look how well CoSchedule’s blog post on colour psychology worked. The content got several shares because the concept was original and the content was done thoroughly.


Tip: Include buttons on your blog and website to show how many shares your content has. These buttons are convenient for quick sharing.

17. Easy A/B Testing To Get The Biggest Results

A / B testing is when you present different website versions to different people. But how can you use it on social media?


Instead of trying different websites, try similar posts and track the results of each post. Recently, Twitter started making monitoring a tweet ‘s results much easier. This helps narrow down your most popular social media messages.


See Twitter’s analytics dashboard. It reveals and lists your top posts. It also shows increased impressions, visits, tweets, and followers. This dashboard will show you how well your current campaign compared to another.


Tip: Tracking the results of these tests is important to ensure you look at the test results correctly. There are some great tools to help you with A / B testing. They can be a little spendy, but if you try A / B testing, you can also try to monitor the tests.

18. Use #Hashtags To Increase Your Reach

The hashtag is a powerful tool that can connect like-minded people through social media. It’s a simple way to increase your reach.
Look at this Leap Day’s Target post. This tweet was posted on the leap day using the day’s name as the hashtag, so anyone searching for # LeapDay on Twitter would find that tweet and be informed of the new sale of Target.


Using a hashtag is free, so why not use it? Especially considering that tweets with 1–2 hashtags are 55% more likely to be retweeted.
It ‘s important that more hashtags don’t translate into more engagement. Too many hashtags devalue your message ‘s strength and quickly get lost.


Sparingly use hashtags. Ensure you ‘re putting them on the most effective words. Target ‘s example above does a good job of choosing which words people most likely search for. Since they posted that on Leap Day, they put the hashtag on that word. If they put the hashtag on the word “treat” or “lucky,” it may have reached some, but not almost the amount # LeapDay did.


Use Twitter’s “Trending” page to find relevant hashtags. This will show you the highest ranking and most used hashtags anytime.

19. Keep Your Customers Up-To-Date

One of the simplest and easiest ways to keep your customers up-to – date with your new goods or future events. If your company makes a big announcement about a new product or an exciting event, it’ll catch on and excite people. Look at our Moz friends creating SEO-specific content marketing tools. When they revealed their latest device, their followers were excited. Moz collected 141 retweets and 164 tweet likes.


Tip: So what news should you share?


  1. New products
  2. New services
  3. New updates
  4. New departments or expansions


Here’s the theme: new.

15 Reasons Why Businesses Should Have Social Media Marketing

Many small companies care about what marketing campaigns they invest in. If you have a small marketing budget, spending it wisely is important to get the most for your money. Social media marketing is one of the most flexible and cost-effective tactics small companies can use to meet their target audience and increase sales over time. That’s why 97% of advertisers use social media to meet their audiences.

1. Your Customers Are on Social Media

One of the best reasons for marketing through social media is that your customers spend time on these channels. Statista says 70% of the U.S. population has at least one social media profile. And by 2021, the number of social media users worldwide is expected to reach 3.1 billion people. With so many consumers using social media every day, this is a great opportunity for small businesses to reach their online audience.


Not only are your customers on social media, but many of them are checking these sites every day. Connecting to your target audience can be easy if you’re active on the most frequently used channels. In other words, don’t carry your audience to you — go to your audience! When you’re not already on social media, you may miss an significant opportunity to communicate with your customers and take new leads.

2. Consumers Will Be More Receptive to Your Messages When Marketing Through Social Media

Users are active on social media platforms because they offer a fun and easy way to network, keep in touch with friends and family, and stay connected to what’s happening in the world. Users typically aren’t on these channels with the expectation of being marketed. Yet that doesn’t mean social media users don’t associate and connect with their favourite brands.


However, according to MarketingSherpa, 95% of online adults 18-34 are likely to adopt a social media brand. However, when users follow brands and engage with their social media profiles, they find the content and information valuable in these social media campaigns. Whether seeking deals, enjoying entertaining content, or just wanting to learn more about the brand, social media users are open to social media channels engaging with brands.


The reason consumers may be more receptive to your social media brand message is because social media allows you to be more conversational and show a different side of your brand. The content you publish on these channels contributes to your brand personality and helps show your brand voice. On social media, you can communicate with your leads and customers authentically, rather than just send direct marketing messages. Consumers are generally more responsive to this.

It ‘s certainly not fresh on Twitter to find consumers and businesses debating an issue / concern about their company. Or maybe you stumbled at some brands’ Q&As on Instagram storeys. Many advertisers see these outlets as a way to get to know their customers more personally. So you should.

3. Marketing Through Social Media can Help Increase Brand Recognition

Another advantage of social media marketing is that it helps increase exposure, thus increasing awareness for your brand. Your business social media profiles offer new opportunities to share your content and present your brand’s voice and personality. Through sharing engaging content that adds value to your target market, you make your brand more available to potential members and existing customers.


For example , let’s say a new lead stumbles on your social media brand. They may not have heard of your company before, but they can learn more about your brand and the value you provide through your social media content. This may apply to your current customers. After seeing your social media content on multiple networks, existing customers can get to know your business better, which may increase their interest in repeat purchase.

4. Marketing Through Social Media Increases Your Inbound Traffic

Your social media accounts provide another way to bring more traffic to your website. This makes social media marketing an outstanding technique complementing the search engine optimization efforts. Each material you share on your social media accounts is another opportunity to attract new users to your site. When you hit your account, you’ll have the ability to convert.


To get the most inbound traffic possible, it ‘s important to regularly publish content that connects and adds value to your target audience. The more quality content you share on your social media sites, the more chances you have to engage in and guide new links to your website. When the website is designed for sales, it will only be a matter of time before these new leads become customers.

5. Different Social Media Channels Help You Reach Specific Audiences

The advantage of social media marketing is that you can strategically target specific audiences depending on the platforms that enable your brand. Instead of only throwing your marketing message out for all to see, you can hit your target audience and work to bring more eligible leads back to your platform.


Build a consistent list of demographic values for your audience – the better it is. This list can include gender , age, place, interests, brands, hobbies, etc. Knowing these principles will give you more insight into what social media platform to hit. This will also help you build content that reaches your audience, through your chances of conversion. The more relevant this traffic is, the higher your conversion levels would be.


You will reach your audience on one of the many popular social media platforms that customers use every day.
The secret to optimising your social media marketing is to strategically select what platforms you want to invest in. Not sure what channels are right for you? Check out our post on the best social media sites for your company to find out more about each channel and how your target market and goals will profit.

6. Social Media Advertising Allows You to Target and Retarget Ideal Consumers

While social media advertising requires some upfront investment, social ads can do a lot to complement the organic campaigns you run on your social media channels. With sophisticated targeting capabilities, social media platforms like Facebook help you target your ideal buyers to drive more traffic to your site. It is the easiest way out of the marketing budget.


Using the advertising app, you can recognise new potential leads by identifying your ideal customer. Then, Facebook helps you to deliver your ad content to those that display the same habits as your target audience. When you drive more important traffic to your brand pages, you can boost results irrespective of your ad targets.

7. Marketing Through Social Media is Cost Effective

One of social media marketing’s greatest benefits is that it helps you cut marketing costs without sacrificing results. Most of the social media results come from spending time in producing and publishing content and talking to the fans and followers. The good news is that only a few hours a week will produce substantial results. In fact, HubSpot reports that 84% of marketers generated increased traffic with as little as six hours of effort spent on social media per week.


As shown below, the CPM (cost per thousand impressions) on social media can be as low as $2.50. This is 3x cheaper than traditional media advertising.


And if you want to make social media ads a big part of your social media campaign, social media marketing is still cost-effective. Depending on your priorities and campaign reach, running paid ads on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter is fairly cheap. No matter how low your budget is, you can still impact these networks to meet and turn new leads.

8. Social Media Marketing May Help Improve Your Search Engine Rankings

Chances are you’re already working on improving your search engine optimization. But did you know that search engines can use your existence as a factor in their rankings? Effective brands prefer to have a healthy social media presence, so a good social media presence can be a signal to search engines that your brand is important, trustworthy and reliable. While ranking factors often change, it’s a safe bet that active social media networks will eventually benefit you.


Search engines pay attention to your behaviour , particularly links to social content and social signals like likes and shares. Not only could your social media presence influence your search engine rankings, but it’s important to remember that when customers check your brand, your social media profiles would most likely appear on Google’s first list. When the customer clicks your social profiles and finds them outdated or uncommitted, they may decide to take their business elsewhere. Therefore, it is important to not only regularly publish compelling content on your social media sites, but also periodically review your profile details and make adjustments and updates as appropriate.

9. Your Competition is on Social Media

Whatever field you ‘re in or who your target audience is, there’s a fair chance your rivals are already present and active on social media platforms. This not only indicates that your brand can do well on these platforms, but it also means that some of your future buyers may already be talking to the competition as we speak.


If you want to stay competitive in the digital world, you need to start working on developing a social media presence. In addition to revealing a little bit of your brand personality, social media content also offers an important platform for demonstrating your business experience and knowledge. It is one of the easiest ways to differentiate yourself from competition and get more important web traffic.

10. Marketing on Social Media Leads to Higher Conversion Rates

Social networking has a 100% higher lead-to-close score than outbound marketing strategies, says HubSpot. That could be because every post you post and every interaction on your social media channels is an opportunity to convert an interested lead into a happy customer. Through building a report with your leads and customers and regularly sharing useful content, the brand will work to boost trust and reputation, leading to more sales.


The most significant aspect of social media with more conversions is the opportunity to add a more human dimension to your brand messaging. Because social media is a place for customers to socialise and network, marketers can display their brand’s human side through light, often conversational content that enables each company to display their personality, humour, and warmth.

11. Social Media Marketing Helps Improve Brand Loyalty

Although larger companies can afford to develop big and costly customer loyalty systems, small businesses will rely on other, more efficient methods to create brand loyalty. Social networking is an efficient means of establishing relationships with leads and clients, contributing to increased satisfaction and loyalty over time. However, a report by Texas Tech University indicates that brands who reach their existing consumers and target audience on social media platforms experience higher consumer loyalty.


Engaging the customers and leading social media helps create deeper consumer relationships. This will set you apart from your rivals by showing your customers how special your brand is and emphasising your business’ customer service. Via useful, persuasive content and interaction, you will work to turn satisfied consumers into brand supporters.

12. Consumers are Looking For Recommendations on Social Media

Word-of – mouth marketing is one of the most important methods in any company’s marketing toolbox. Not only is it safe, but it lets you establish trust with new leads a long way. In many ways , social media has become the new word-of – mouth marketing outlet. Brands are encouraging their customers to leave reviews on their social media profiles, recommend their brand socially to friends and family, or provide testimonials.


And for the right cause! Consumers are more likely to buy from recommended brands. These recommendations aren’t necessarily from a friend , family member, or co-worker. As you can see from the statistics below, consumers are as likely to trust online reviews as personal recommendations.


Consumers not only trust social media reviews, they often seek them out before making a purchase decision. These figures also show consumers are actively seeking suggestions on social media and these suggestions influence their purchasing behaviour. That’s why it’s important to actively encourage your happy customers to leave a social media review of your brand and recommend your products and services to others. It’s a great way to generate some of the valuable word-of – mouth magic that helps sales soar.

13. Social Media Helps Connect Your Brand With Customers You Didn’t Know Existed

Many brands rely on search engine optimization and PPC ad traffic to find new leads. However, social media marketing can be an excellent platform for new customers. As discussed above, social media feedback or reviews will go a long way to helping your brand interact with consumers you haven’t met. Yet there are other ways the business can use social media to reach new markets.


One way to find new customers and market opportunities on social channels is through social listening. By following certain keywords and checking out trend topics in your industry, you can see who participates in the conversation. This will give your company a wealth of new lead opportunities while also exposing you to industry influencers with whom you can partner to improve exposure.

14. Marketing Through Social Media can Help You Improve Brand Authority

Social media marketing helps you create brand authority. This is an important part of effectively positioning your business as market leader. The more relevant content you post on social media, the more chances for leads and consumers to show your knowledge.


When others share your content with their fans and followers, or mention your brand in their posts, this helps to develop your brand authority. The more you think about your brand, the more important your brand would appear to others. This will inspire new members to see what your business is all about and even follow your company for updates and insights.

15. Social Media Marketing Gives You the Opportunity to Gain New Customer Insights

Last but not least, social media marketing offers you a valuable opportunity to gain new insights into your customers. Through engaging on social media with leads and existing clients, you can see what attracts and inspires your clients.


If you look at what your customers chat about on social media regularly, you can better understand what they care about most. For example, through social listening, you can find out what are your customers’ biggest problems and concerns and then collaborate to build more content around these topics. You can also use social listening to see what consumers actually think about your brand, and use this knowledge to make adjustments to boost consumer satisfaction.


Social networking also helps you better understand the online habits of your customers. For example, you could use Facebook’s analytics platform to see which content types are most common in your target market. You can also calculate the posts and advertising conversions across platforms to see which campaigns perform well and require a little more perform.


Is you not seeing the results your social media ads wished for? Let social media marketing company experts assist with social media marketing. Our team knows what it takes to create a vibrant social media community for small businesses. Test our social media management services or contact us to arrange a call to discuss our services.

Social Media Marketing Services

Our social media marketing services provide evaluations of existing engagement to social media networks, emphasising credibility, trust management, transparency and content delivery.

Brand Promotion

If you want to build strong brand awareness using inbound marketing techniques, you need to focus on your SEO, content marketing, networking, social networks, etc. Optimising content contributes to more traffic. Improving social network performance improves user engagement.

Product Advertising

SEO helps you to advertise your product by increasing traffic to your website. Through incorporating SEO strategies, you can improve the effectiveness of search engine results, which will attract higher traffic, which advertises the product to more potential customers.


The core of social media analytics is collecting and analysing marketing and user data to base business decisions on. It’s the only sure way you can access information to maximise your marketing strategies and efforts.

Customer Engagement

Customer engagement is a marketing technique offering timely, appropriate and customised messages to customers. What sets the customization aspect apart from other marketing strategies. Content quality & relevance is what makes consumers feel like committed brand members.

Meaningful Interaction

Meaningful interaction is an integral part of digital marketing, and an important metric that helps businesses assess the success of their marketing activities. Increasingly, people view and react to contents based on how engaging it is.


Most businesses seek to listen to their customers and others spend heavily in consumer satisfaction and market research. Yet listening is more than hearing what people think. Curious about someone’s needs and motives and empathy to consider what people think and how they feel.

Content Strategy

How to develop a content strategy. Set the goals. Identify your key audience’s paint points. Determine brand’s unique expertise. Measure your contents tilt. Create a list of possible content topics based on your contents tilt. Conducting a keyword research and creating an editorial calendar.

Community Management

Community management is the process of creating an authentic community among consumers, employees, and partners through different types of interaction. It’s how a brand uses opportunities (in-person and online) to engage with its audiences to build a network they can connect, share, and grow.

Metrics & Measurements

Social media KPIs are values that calculate social media marketing (SMM) campaign success. Marketing departments use these metrics to measure their activities in all critical social media-based performance, including communication and advertisement.

Social media gives a voice and a platform to anyone willing to engage

We don’t have a choice as to whether we are doing social media, the question is how well we are doing it.
People have more faith in people than institutions.
Social media marketing eliminates the middlemen.
Social networking will help you build up your loyalty.
Social Media is about the people.


Let’s get started

We aim to deliver the best solution for your business at an honest price. We actively study and suggest emerging ideas when they make sense. We enjoy what we do and we’re bringing  passion and dedication to every project we’re working on. Put it simply, if you want a technology partner who cares about your business, choose IndexAPage.

Unmatched Analysis

After thorough market research on customer brand and offerings, we set goals for each project and map clear strategy to meet these goals.

Increased Visibility

We promote your business in online platforms to offer optimal web exposure, such as major search engines, forums and social media.

Higher ROI

When your website is optimally exposed online, visitors get attracted to your website and buy your product and services to bring growing returns.

Long Term Results

We use effective digital marketing methodologies, practices and techniques to achieve long term top placement in SERPs for our clients.

Cost Effectiveness

We offer our reliable, top-class digital marketing services at a price everyone can afford. For our services, you don't need to make a hole in your pocket.


We believe transparency is key to building client trust. Therefore, we keep our clients updated by providing monthly reports highlighting key results.

There are positive and negative sides of social media

The social media world evolves very rapidly, and you need to be open minded and skillful to keep up with it.
Social media is not simply an activity.
What is your ROI of social media marketing?
Success formula = Content + Engagement + Conversion
Social media is a sport of contact.

Quote Request Form

Please fill out the form below to receive a free quote for our social media marketing services. Select what services you are interested in below and we’ll contact you as soon as possible.

    The Most Asked Question About Social Media Marketing

    We’ve collated some of social media marketing’s most asked questions into a convenient, jargon-busting FAQs to help address popular search queries.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    • 1. How do I do social media marketing?

      Step-by-step social media marketing guide to help you define your social goals, reach followers, and maximise your outputs: Set concrete social goals. Study the audience. Establish your main metrics. Analyze the game. Creating and curating engaging content.

    • 2. Why is social media marketing so important?

      Social media is an integral part of your marketing plan. Social media help you communicate with consumers, increase brand awareness and maximize leads and sales. Every month, with more than three billion people worldwide using social media, it's no changing trend.

    • 3. How can I be a good social media marketer?

      Know about your target audience. Select your social media channels wisely. Build a winning game plan for social media marketing. Set Up social media content calendar. Let the tools empower your strategy. Use storytelling. Humanize your brand.

    • 4. What businesses need social media marketing?

      Social media helps create virtual consumer relations. To build and prove your reputation, you need consistent customer trust. Social media marketing provides a unique opportunity to connect with your customers.

    • 5. What is the benefit of social media?

      Social media is one of the most cost-effective digital marketing methods to syndicate content and increase visibility for your business. Implementing a social media strategy would significantly boost your brand awareness when you reach a large target audience.

    • 6. What should I post on social media today?

      There is endless content sharing potential on social media, but these are the types of content the audience would enjoy. Blog posts of your business. Posts showing the culture of your business. Industry news. Curated contents. Question posts. Product/Business videos. Customer ratings and feedback. Tips & advice. Contest posts. Free resources.

    • 7. What is done in social media marketing?

      Social media marketing involves practises such as posting text and image updates, videos and other content enhancing viewer interaction, and paid social media ads. You can start developing your own social media marketing plan with these tips.

    • 8. What is a good social media strategy?

      A social media strategy is a rundown of what you plan on social media and intend to achieve. It directs your acts, letting you know whether you succeed or fail. The more precise the strategy is, the more successful it is. Hold succinct.

    • 9. What are the 7 functions of social media?

      There are seven functional building blocks to describe social media: identification, interactions, networking, appearance, relationships, credibility, and groups.

    • 10. What are the types of media?

      Print Media (Newspapers, Magazines). Broadcast Media (TV, Radio). Outdoor or Out of Home (OOH) Media. Internet.

    • 11. How effective is social media for marketing?

      Social media marketing is one of the most versatile, cost-effective strategies small businesses can use to reach their target audience and boost sales over time. Therefore, 97% of advertisers use social media to reach their audiences.

    • 12. Who is a social media content creator?

      A content creator is someone responsible for contributing information to any media, especially digital media. Typically they target particular end-user and audience in different contexts.

    • 13. What makes a social media post successful?

      Relationship posts make social media a place where people can have interactions about your brand, rather than just being promoted. To be good, it can't be all about selling. These posts are a bonding opportunity through a show of goodwill, humour, and imagination.

    • 14. What are the goals of social media marketing?

      Setting S.M.A.R.T. (Specific, Observable, Achievable, Practical, and Timely) is the most critical component of every social media marketing strategy. Blindly posting and anticipating big new sales would be like cooking without the right ingredients and anticipating perfection.

    • 15. What are the four major types of media effects?

      These four media-influenced functions are: acquire, activate, modify, and reinforce. The first two of these functions influence immediate effects, either during or immediately after exposure.

    • 16. What are the 7 P's of marketing?

      Once you've developed your marketing strategy, you should use a "Seven P Formula" to continually evaluate and re-evaluate your business. They are: product, price, promotion, place, packaging, positioning and people.

    • 17. What are the types of social marketing?

      Social marketing has two types: operational social marketing and strategic social marketing. Operational social marketing is used to change behaviour, while strategic social marketing forms new policies and development strategies.

    • 18. How do you manage social media?

      Document your social media plan, if you have a team of people running multiple accounts, keeping everyone on the brand can be difficult. Use social media software. Creating editorial calendar. Monitor activity and engagement. Analyze your plan.

    • 19. What is the difference sales and marketing?

      Sales involves turning leads or opportunities into sales and orders. While marketing targets longer terms, sales relate to shorter goals. Marketing requires a longer cycle of creating a brand identity and targeting the customer even if they don't need it.

    • 20. What are the best marketing strategies?

      Direct Selling. Co-Branding and Affinity Marketing. Earned Media/PR. Point-of-Purchase (POP) Marketing. Internet Marketing. Paid Media Advertising. Word of Mouth Marketing.

    • 21. What are the six basic steps of social marketing?

      Here are the six key steps to successful marketing plan. Market research. Economic analysis. Identify viewers. Set goals and objectives. Specific strategies and tactics. Determine evaluation methods. Listen — mining conversation.

    • 22. What is the social media manager?

      Social media managers represent a company across social networks as the brand's primary voice. They respond, organise promotions, and build content. These experts provide guidance to organisations to enhance their online presence.

    • 23. How much time does it take to manage social media?

      Social media marketing can be a full-time job, taking 8 hours a day every week. Alternatively, you could spend a couple of hours or less each week dealing with your social media marketing initiatives.

    • 24. What are the best social media tools?

      Here are some of the most popular social media tools used by some of the top brands worldwide: BuzzSumo. Google Trends. Buffer Publish. Canva. Unsplash. Animoto. Feedly. Buffer Reply.

    • 25. Does my business really need social media?

      Reality is, companies can thrive without successful social media marketing. But the internet has plenty of information you need to know about your business, whether you control the conversation or not. Businesses can NEVER fully neglect social media. Does your business really need social media?

    • 26. Can a business survive without social media?

      To keep it easy, if done correctly, any business can survive without it, but there will be challenges with growth. For companies engaging in social media, and doing so smartly, the potential for consumer growth and increased sales is almost infinite.

    • 27. What is the best social media manager?

      The Best Social Media Management Tools. Buffer for simple social media scheduling. Hootsuite for all-in-one social media scheduling, tracking, and analytics. Sprout Social for team-based social media management. Iconosquare to handle Instagram company accounts.

    • 28. Does social media work for small businesses?

      The key advantage of social media marketing for small business is that it helps you to speak directly to consumers and followers. You may create relationships over time, rather than asking for upfront sales. Over 40% of digital consumers use social networks to research new brands or products.

    • 29. How social media is used in marketing?

      Here is a step-by-step social media marketing guide to help you identify your social targets, reach followers, and maximise your results: Set concrete social marketing goals. Find your target audience. Establish the most important metrics.

    • 30. Why is social media so attractive?

      Social media has evolved to be used as a way to meet consumers and prospects directly, a place to track brand interactions, and a great way to share contents and marketing links and otherwise push websites and landing pages.

    • 31. What is the difference if any between a social media strategist and a social media specialist?

      For larger companies with more established social media departments, social media professionals concentrate primarily on day-to-day activities than social media strategists, while they can also support social audits and strategy.

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