Keyword Research

Keyword research is the process of identifying and evaluating search words that people use in search engines.

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Why Keyword Research is So Important

You can identify a common (profitable niche) by using successful keyword analysis, find similar markets, rank well in search engines for specific topics to drive traffic to your web, and promote your goods and/or services by enhancing your marketing effectiveness. By figuring out what people are looking for you put yourself in a good position to help them and yours accomplish their goals.


Asking these three vital quetions can help you figure out what a good keyword is:


  1. Are my keywords tailored to what people are searching for?
  2. Can the searchers who use these keywords to locate my site locate the answers to their questions?
  3. Is this traffic going to help me achieve my goals, monetary, email sign-ups or something else?

Why Keyword Research Is Still A Crucial Part Of Your SEO Success

There are plenty of articles out there that stress the value of content development for consumers, not search engines. It’s not wrong with this advice but it only tells half the storey.


This is why:


  1. You won’t get any attention from search engines if the content doesn’t suit the search words that real people are using.
  2. And while publishing an article filled with a keyword is not a good idea, not taking into account the search behaviour of the user is not a good strategy either.


What are keywords really relevant, then?

1. Being Relevant to the User's Search Intent Means Being in the Top Results

When Google ranks websites in the search results it uses the simple logic: first come the best answers. As a result it places the websites at the top of the SERPs ( Search Engine Results Pages) with the content that is most relevant to a particular search query. That’s why Google has begun working on the Knowledge Graphs.


In a nutshell, Google aims to better explain how different search words connect to each other by creating a huge database to show users the most important sites.


For example, a keyword ‘Venus’ could be related not only to a planet in the Solar System, but to the Roman goddess of love as well. Currently, however, Google is displaying websites first linked to the planet which is presumably based on the frequency of similar search queries.


The majority of search queries containing the word ‘Venus’ are related to the planet, and not the mythology, according to the Ubersuggest. Thus the traffic produced by the terms associated with the earth significantly exceeds the traffic from the terms associated with the mythology.

2. Shifting From a 100% Match to Broader Topics Makes Your Content More Relevant to the User's Search Intent

For a specific search query, the old-school approach to SEO needed an exact match for keywords to make the content rank. But after the Google’s Hummingbird update in 2013 and the introduction of the RankBrain machine learning programme in 2015, a search query ‘s context and semantic meaning came into the spotlight (as opposed to a single word in the keyword sentence).


The new ranking system has given rise to a new approach in SEO: Instead of including specific keywords, content should focus on topics and search context, describing it in detail and exhaustively. Search intent must also be considered, of course, because some queries simply do not require an exhaustive article-they need short answers. Check out the following list of keywords to see the difference between these two strategies.


There is a website, let ‘s say, that wants to rank for:


  1. Old cameras on photo
  2. Vintage devices
  3. Image Antique
  4. Where to buy a Camera
  5. Purchase pieces of old camera
  6. How to get an old camera repaired
  7. Parts of a vintage camera
  8. How to opt for an old camera
  9. Vintage camera on sale
  10. Old camera popularest


With the old-school approach, you will create several pieces of content that include each of the targeted keywords. The problem with this approach is that Google would not find such material as being comprehensive. In the new method, you will look ‘behind the words’ to determine the user googling’s search intentions for a particular keyword.


For example, a person who is generally interested in old-school photography equipment might be looking for ‘classic picture cameras,’ ‘vintage cameras’ and ‘antique camera.’ In this case, you may need a wiki-like page listing their reviews of the most famous vintage photo cameras. Likewise, a person in possession of an old camera that needs repair is likely to check for ‘buy old camera parts,’ ‘how to fix an old camera’ and ‘vintage camera parts.’


Here, a detailed guide to the vintage cameras’ components with guidance on how to repair them will be a match for all three search queries. To sum up this section, fulfilling the search intent of the user does not necessarily mean incorporating an exact keyword into your content. Instead, you can concentrate on the semantic field, or a general theme, to which this keyword belongs, as this is what the users are really interested. To find the topics that will produce the most traffic on your website, create semance groups from the most common keywords and build in-depth content around them.

3. Skipping Keyword Research Will Result in Zero Organic Traffic

Now that we’ve been addressing the change to wider topics and semantic categories, it’s important to note the risks of missing the cycle of keyword analysis. Secondly, without performing research on keywords, you risk targeting keywords and finding topics that are of little or no interest or users. Keywords with no search volume produce usually no organic traffic, no matter how detailed and useful the content is. Another danger is investing in producing content which is simply too difficult for keywords and topics. This could include head terms such as “SEO” or “Fishing,” to slightly more long-tail keywords that are equally competitive due to the potential revenue (think buying keywords) such as “buying digital slr”


The SERPs are typically dominated by highly authoritative domains for such keywords, leaving no space for a newcomer. To avoid this risk, you need to test which search queries are currently most searched for, and get an idea of how difficult it is to rank for. Google Keyword Planner is a great free resource for keyword analysis, because it allows you to see not only a specific word ‘s popularity, but also some hint of how difficult it would be to rank for it. It’s worth noting that Google’s Keyword Planner is part of their marketing network and as such is targeted to marketers for their features. And their “avg,” too. Monthly searches “metric is simply an estimate. Luckily there are some fantastic alternatives that add additional features so you can get more relevant data.


For a more detailed list, be sure to check out the David Hartshorne article on keyword analysis resources. Such methods are best suited for conventional keyword analysis, focused on competitors. It’s also important to check which pages your target keywords are currently available in the SERPs. Sure, that’s pretty vague advice, but if you look at which pages Google lists, you might start getting a sense of what it’s going to take to overcome them. Now, you might only search for this through Google, but they’re personalising results based on several factors. This includes your whereabouts.


Use a third party platform like the free AccuRanker rank tracker platform (disclosure – I work for AccuRanker) is a safer solution to this. You can use this tool to select your region, city and whether you want desktop results or mobile results. This is particularly helpful if you’re trying to rank in results from Google US but you’re from the UK , for example.


As a brief example, here is a screenshot where you can see the domains for the target keyword ‘keyword analysis’ that are appearing on Google US. Here, websites like Moz or Backlinko would be hard to circumvent, and that is why it is important to get to know the competition. Even if a keyword research tool says the level of competition is medium, you need to know exactly against whom you stand to determine your chances.


Note: You should find it easier to rank with more long-tail keywords when you are just starting out. Long-tail keywords are only keyphrases longer. For example, you may want to go for terms containing 3-5 words instead of a keyword (or search phrase), consisting of 1 or 2 words.

4. Google Still Ranks Pages Based on the Appearance of a Targeted Keyword in Your Page's URL, Title, Meta Description and etc

Multiple studies, such as this one by Backlinko, show the connexion between the usage of the keyword in on-page elements and the position of the page in the SERP.
While Google has not officially confirmed most of the page-level ranking signals, many SEOs speculate about their importance and prefer to play safe by applying all of them. 


For example , having an exact match of a keyword in a page title tag used to be a critical ranking signal in Google’s ranking algorithm prior to the rise of semance, so it had been used omnipresently. Google is not openly stating this as a requirement these days, however there is a strong link between the usage of the keyword in the title and the position of the page ranking. The only case where a keyword ‘s exact match is indispensable is when the competition level for keywords is off the charts. To get into it, let’s look at the ‘keyword research tool’ of the Google US SERP.


The exact keyword for Wordstream is included in its URL, title tag and partly in the meta description. The image of the second result is similar: an exact keyword in the URL, the title and the meta. Even the page of Google Keyword Planner has the ‘keyword research’ in its title, and it would outrank Wordstream with a high probability of having the same keyword in its URL. Studies show that the pages that start their title, h1, and meta description tags with the specific keyword perform better than the pages that include the keyword toward the tag ‘s end.


That being said, it is important to consider that the causation is not equal to the correlation. Just because a correlation between ranking signals and results is shown by some studies does not mean that they are the cause. But at the very least, it helps users determine your content ‘s relevance and that will help satisfy the search intent.


Which is the purpose of Google.


Here is the concluding line:

While there are a significant number of potential ranking factors used by search engines, using keyword research to inform your on-page optimization efforts will help users understand how relevant your content is to them. And this is pretty good.

5. How Keyword Research Allows You to Understand Market Demand

A good marketing campaign has many moving parts to it. As such, many digital marketers don’t pay adequate attention to keyword analysis.
What many people do not know is that research on keywords will tell us a lot about the general demand of the market. Google queries tell a storey and we as marketers need to understand the storey. This can provide an endless source of high-quality traffic ideas, and also enable us to better support our customers by creating new products and services.
People always have a need when looking for something on the internet, even if it is merely a quest for information.


Quite often a need for information eventually becomes a transactional search. When the deal seems to be a good match for the needs of the customers, it may result in a sale or at least keep the brand in mind when they are ready. So, the general trend is that people search for a specific keyword in Google to represent the real market demand.


Imagine finding an agency for the digital marketing. Running a company in such a competitive environment demands that you evaluate the consumer demand periodically to remain on top of the trends. In this case, keyword research helps you to gather information about different locations in which you can sell services, and new services that you can provide. For digital marketing, this may be web marketing, social media management or laser-targeting systems such as Facebook or LinkedIn ad management. When you have gathered the keywords associated with the services your company might provide, you need to determine their potential for organic traffic. For example, in Google US SERPs, the total monthly search query traffic associated with ‘Linkedin ads’ comes close to 14k, while the queries related to ‘Facebook ads’ exceed 340k in total monthly traffic. Now, it is important to point out that these figures are estimates typically, but they are a good general indicator.
Clearly, Facebook searches are more common, since LinkedIn is only applicable to B2B companies, while Facebook appeals to the needs of almost every company.


The next important step is to look at the websites which are currently displaying keywords for a certain group. Unlike analysing the SERPs for a single keyword, it helps you to conduct bulk analysis and see the full picture of your organic competition by testing the organic search results for a range of keywords. With the aid of any location monitoring device, this process can be automated allowing you to automatically group the most prominent domains. For example, here is a screenshot from the Competitors summary report in the AccuRanker place tracker that allows you to see which sites for all of your keywords occupy the top 10 organic positions:

6. Keyword Research Helps You Understand Your Target Market Or Audience

Wouldn’t it be useful to first consider whether your target audience is looking for or studying your goods or services before you think about how to advertise your product or service, or how to draw traffic to your web site?


At Marketpath we are specialised in developing marketing platform and content management systems for small and medium-sized enterprises. This is important to learn as much as we can about our product category and how different customers think about the software to improve our ability to market and service our software. Keyword research in this case can help us understand whether prospective customers think of (and search for) our product as “content management systems,” “CMS,” “website maintenance software,” “website software,” etc ..


This research will also help us to understand how and how people are searching for solutions for particular industries: “School CMS,” “Small Business Content Management” or applications for various types of users: “Easy to use CMS,” “Developer-focused web solutions” or similar use cases: “SaaS CMS,” “Mobile CMS” etc. Keyword research is not the only way your market can be better understood, but it can certainly shed light on your audience, how they understand and think about your product or service, what matters to them, and how often they search for keywords or phrases that relate to your business.

7. Keyword Research Supports the Optimization of Your Website

If you want to improve your website popularity and want to customise your website, you first need to ask what you would want it to be optimised for. To do so, you need to analyse how your target market searches for your goods or services (which keywords or phrases) and how often they conduct specific searches (monthly or annual searches). If you have that knowledge, the keywords or phrases that you hope to rank for in the search engine results can then be given priority.


The way you determine the goals will first be focused on how important the keyword is to the company or a particular service / product offering, but should also consider how much the term and related words are searched for and how realistic the term is (considering how competitive it is). When you’ve completed your analysis and prioritisation, you can start thinking about how to customise your site for certain terms / phrases – so that’s where you really need to handle keywords differently than a couple of years ago. Check out this recent post, 205 Google Ranking Factors – The Ultimate SEO Checklist, for more information on website optimization, how keywords are still relevant, and how to exploit keywords when executing your website.

8. Keyword Research Provides Insight That Drives Content Management Strategy

Keyword research provides a wealth of knowledge on what people (prospects) want to know on your business, goods and services. When you know what details your customers are searching for, you can create material on your website more easily to match their needs. Keywords are still very relevant, as I mentioned above, but it’s the execution or use of keywords inside your website that has changed – and that execution is directly related to your content marketing strategy and content on page.


In the past, if you used keywords within your content and within important areas such as the page title tag and the page header (H1), you may have been successful with rather simplistic or generic content. That is only going to get you so far nowadays. Relevant, engaging content about certain keywords or phrases that help suit the user ‘s purpose is now very important, as rich content helps increase interaction and sales that Google is heavily weighing. The longer, richer content will fulfil the searcher’s needs , particularly for a variety of long-tail keywords, because your content responds or addresses wider topics of interest. Researching the right keywords will help you better understand what content (topics, information, etc.) you want to concentrate on.


Example: Use keyword research to drive content strategy


Imagine as an example how a physician might use keyword analysis for their website of practise. Last year our client, who is a spine surgeon, had a fairly straightforward website with biographical information and high-level information on some of the key procedures used by the clinic. They did not get a lot of traffic to their website and rated very poorly compared to competing companies, which they were far larger than because of the few high-level keywords they targeted like “spine surgeon” and “back pain.” We performed keyword analysis for the client and found that potential patients were looking for high-level terms such as “spine specialist” and “back doctor,” which were to be expected, but were also looking for an abundance of lower frequency, long-tail keywords correlated in three categories : 1) symptoms (like lower back pain), 2) medical conditions (like degenerative scoliosis), and 3).


Based on this study, we grouped the client’s new website (and sitemap) into the same three categories, so that patients could find useful information , regardless of their viewpoint on the specific medical issue, whether they were more familiar with the problem (understood the condition / treatments) or only trying to explore symptoms. After the launch of the new site, the physicist’s site has increased dramatically in search rankings for both the broad search terms and long-tail keywords. A very important and related benefit is that, with information about their expertise and experience, the site, which now includes useful, detailed content, also provides much more credibility for the practise. That supports the understanding of the practise within their culture.


Our keyword research also provided ideas for ongoing content marketing on the website, in addition to the content plan for the website redesign. A lot of people were looking for information about conditions, symptoms , and treatments in the form of questions like:


  1. What induces pain in the lower back?
  2. What are Herniated Disc symptoms?
  3. What does spinal stenosis mean?
  4. Surgical vs. non-operative procedures for the back


Answering these questions (keyword phrases) via the Medical Practice blog is a perfect way to give prospective patients interest while promoting web optimization as well. Additionally, the site also has a segment called “Success Stories,” which contains tales of actual patients that interact directly with many of the queries and details that prospective patients are searching for. To sum up, keyword research will provide useful insights into both the layout of your website and the marketing strategy for content on your site.

9. Keyword Research Can Also be Used to Optimize Social Sites & Other Platforms

Implementing best practises for on-site (or on-page) optimization of your website might be sufficient for some local businesses or organisations in less competitive industries to significantly increase your search rankings and visibility. However, for most organisations, you would also need to incorporate other SEO friendly techniques such as improving your social presence, and influencing the development of external links from authoritative sources related to your business , product or service to important pages on your web.


The same expertise you obtained from keyword research and the same keywords you prioritised for your website (short and long-tail), can also be used to build appropriate, rich content on your social networking sites (Facebook , LinkedIn, Twitter , YouTube, Google+, Instagram, etc.), as well as review sites such as Yelp, and any other sites (industry directories, etc.) with business details. Richer content and regular use of the same targeted keywords and links back to your website will affect your optimization goals positively.

10. Keyword Research Can be Leveraged for PPC

Implementing best practises for optimising your website on-site (or on-page) could be enough for certain local businesses or organisations in less competitive industries to improve your search rankings and exposure significantly. However, you will also need to integrate other SEO-friendly strategies for most organisations, such as improving your social presence and influencing the creation of external links from authoritative sources relevant to your company , product or service to important web pages.


The same experience that you acquired from keyword analysis and the same keywords that you prioritised for your website (short and long-tail), can also be used to build relevant, rich content on your social networking sites (Facebook , LinkedIn, Twitter , YouTube, Google+, Instagram, etc.), as well as review sites such as Yelp, and any other pages (industry directories, etc.) with business information. Richer content and regular use of the same targeted keywords and links back to your website will have a positive impact on your optimisation goals.

11. Keyword Research Can Be Used to Measure Your Progress

Whatever your Digital Marketing Strategy, measuring your success is always important. One way of assessing the effect of your website, content marketing, and SEO programmes is to monitor where your website ranks on the search engine results pages ( SERPs) for your prioritised, targeted keywords. This can be more difficult if you track significant long-tail terms but it is still very useful as improvements can have a significant impact on site traffic, visibility and leads.


When you’re about to start a website redesign project, I ‘d suggest that you calculate where the old site ranks for your targeted keywords and use it as a benchmark for success. For a list of Online SEO Tools for Link, Keyword and Rank Tracking, please visit the Marketing Tech Blog if you are not currently measuring where your site ranks in search results.

If you have further questions regarding SEO strategies and tactics, please contact us and let us know how to help.

5 Great Benefits Of Using Keywords Research Tools

The keyword research tools are very important when it comes to search engine marketing. Search for keywords is one of the most essential and highly valuable activities offering high returns. As a content writer, you’ll agree with me that getting to know about most popular keywords on search engines will surely help you develop trendy web traffic content. Hence keyword search tools can help you reach potential customers by telling you how they are searching for what you are offering.
Search tools for keywords also help optimise your website and rank it for certain keywords. The undeniable fact is that certain keywords are ranked for websites on the search engines.


That is one of the reasons why keyword search tools are good for optimising search engines. When it comes to ranking on search engines for certain keywords, we all know that rankings for the correct keywords can make or break your website. Not only is it about being ranked high on search engines for those keywords, it is all about the importance of the keywords to your website. It’s not always about getting your site visitors but getting the right kind of visitors. So you can predict shifts in demand with keyword research, respond to changing market conditions and produce the products , services and content that web searchers are actively looking for.

1. Keywords search tool is good for keywords relevance

How much meaning does a keyword have for your website? Is the keyword important to the content of your Website? In the world of marketing search engines today, nothing is as important as having keywords that are relevant to your website’s content. When people use certain keywords to search for something on the search engines do they find what they are looking for on your site? Do they want to be happy with what they find? Will this traffic produce financial rewards or other organisational objectives?


For this reason the importance of the keyword to the content of your website is important and can not be ignored. Even the omnipotent Google recommends that the content on your website should be directly related to your ads and keywords. This is where you can really profit from the use of keyword search tools, as it helps you to study the market, consider the ever-changing value of keywords on search engines, and deliver content that web searchers are actively seeking.

2. It helps you dig deeper for high-value keywords

If it comes to high-value keywords for your website, keyword search tools will easily help you dig deep. The simple truth is that you have to target the keywords in the long tail-not just the common few-to get the best returns from your SEO investment. Long-tail keywords are usually longer keyword phrases that are more similar to what people are searching for and what the website is selling. These phrases differ from the more common, main keywords which are searched heavily.

Important for your online success is the long tail of keyword analysis. As they have less competition from other websites, long-tail keywords give you a much greater chance of highly ranking in search engines – very useful for optimising search engines. So you’ll be having more buyers, more sales, and more income with every keyword you rank with.


As an added bonus, the people who use long-tail keywords to search online are much more likely to become customers. These specific keywords cause conversions substantially higher than the general terms and phrases.
Since Keywords search tools provide you with thousands of keywords for each quest, you can dig deeper into the long tail of a primary sentence.

3. It helps you identify and target profitable niche markets

Keyword analysis will not only tell you precisely what people are looking for online; it will also help you determine the size and market potential of any particular product or service. Efficient online marketers consistently show that the Internet is still overflowing with untapped potential for niche usage. The more keywords a keyword analysis tool creates, the greater the chances of uncovering those possibilities. For example, millions of people are looking for words like: Top Niche Markets Which Can Help Make Money Online. Nevertheless, it is important to consider not only the demand for a given term or expression, but also the work needed to achieve high rankings, in order to know the keywords to target.


When big brands take the top 10 scores, and you just start on the web, the uphill ranking struggle will take years of effort. That is why knowing the keyword complexity is important if you want to be able to enter other lucrative niche markets. Keyword research tool can help you position yourself in a unique position to diversify your online marketing and target exciting new segments of customers.

4. It helps you to keep tabs on your competitors

No doubt about it, one of the easiest ways to find out is through the keyword search tool, if you want to learn what your rivals are doing right. Keywords with a large search volume and a low level of competition will offer a quick (and substantial) return on your investment. But you simply don’t get the full picture without a precise measure of the competition for a particular phrase or term.


Within this dynamic marketing world of search engines, it’s hard to get on to Google’s first search results page – those are the sites you need to beat to get search engine traffic. Keyword search tools offer a variety of metrics that allow you to discover useful keywords that are both common and competitive at low levels.

5. It helps you target more moneymaking related keywords

Using keyword search tool to get into a keyword ‘s long tail, you’ll get the most common phrases that include the keyword for seed. To put it another way, a search on the term organic would include results such as organic food, organic gardening, organic farming, etc. But there are different related keywords – they don’t always include the original seed keyword. A similar keyword search for eyeglasses for example would return keywords such as sunglasses, contact lenses, frames, bifocals and even brand names such as Ray-ban.


All brilliant ideas to create domain names, fresh ideas for goods and captivating content on the website. Keyword search software can provide you with more keywords that contribute to making money. This helps you to derive the most meaning from any single word or sentence.

Keyword Research Services

Our keyword research service gives useful insight into the queries the target audience currently searches using search engines. Insight into these particular search words will help inform content management as well as the wider marketing strategy.

Keyword Funneling

We use a keyword funnel approach to group each word, sets of words, and phrases, relating to the intuitive step in the buyer’s journey.

Keyword Research

Targeting the same keywords as everyone else won’t cut it. We look deep into the millions of Google’s search queries for so-called “Golden-nugget keywords”.

Keyword Mapping

We look at your website and determine what keywords are the best to target for different pages on your sites and content. 

Keyword Tracking

We offer keyword tracking services and software tools to determine the value of your keywords and to adjust strategy as needed.

Competitor Review

Competitor review is the method of determining how top rankings perform when it comes to the most important SEO variables, by using different keywords.

Niche Review

It helps you to understand how customers describe and search your products or services, so you can customise your site to suit their needs.

Good SEO work only gets better over time

Sadly, much of the content being published is simply not worth linking to.

Build a site for a user, not a spider.

75% of contents getting zero inbound links.

The shift toward longtail keywords will be even more essential

Go with quality instead.


Let’s get started

We aim to deliver the best solution for your business at an honest price. We actively study and suggest emerging ideas when they make sense. We enjoy what we do and we’re bringing  passion and dedication to every project we’re working on. Put it simply, if you want a technology partner who cares about your business, choose IndexAPage.

Unmatched Analysis

After thorough market research on customer brand and offerings, we set goals for each project and map clear strategy to meet these goals.

Increased Visibility

We promote your business in online platforms to offer optimal web exposure, such as major search engines, forums and social media.

Higher ROI

When your website is optimally exposed online, visitors get attracted to your website and buy your product and services to bring growing returns.

Long Term Results

We use effective digital marketing methodologies, practices and techniques to achieve long term top placement in SERPs for our clients.

Cost Effectiveness

We offer our reliable, top-class digital marketing services at a price everyone can afford. For our services, you don't need to make a hole in your pocket.


We believe transparency is key to building client trust. Therefore, we keep our clients updated by providing monthly reports highlighting key results.

Great contents deserve great ranking

Better contents are outweighing more contents.​

You need to be able to adapt to new SEO tactics.

Your competitors are racing to a better ranking than you.

Slow sites equal fewer profits and visitors.

Focus on keywords that’ll give you the greatest returns

Quote Request Form

Please fill out the form below to receive a free quote for our keyword research services. Select what services you are interested in below and we’ll contact you as soon as possible.

    The Most Asked Question About Keyword Research

    We’ve collated some of keyword research’s most asked questions into a convenient, jargon-busting FAQs to help address popular search queries.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    • 1. What is a keyword research?

      Keyword research is the process of finding and analysing search terms that people enter search engines in order to use the data for a specific purpose, often for search engine optimization (SEO) or general marketing. Keyword research will reveal target queries, popularity of such queries, rating complexity, and more.

    • 2. How do I conduct keyword research?

      Choose the best keywords based on your industry, monthly searches and more. Create a content calendar based on related long tail keywords. Learn more about your competition. Know which keywords in your targeted list have the highest search volume.

    • 3. What's the best keyword research tool?

      Some of the excellent keyword research tools are Soovle, Scrape, Jaax, Google Console Search, Keywords Explorer, Google Keywords Planner, and Moz Keyword Explorer.

    • 4. How do you find keywords?

      To find the ranking keywords of your website or the site of a competitor using Keyword Explorer, follow these steps: Type the URL of your website into Keyword Explorer. Select the country you are based on. Click Analyze button. You will see Top Ranking Keywords. Click Ranking Keywords on the left panel to view keywords.

    • 5. What are the keywords?

      Keywords are ideas and topics defining your contents. In terms of SEO, they are the words and phrases that people search using search engines, also called "search queries".

    • 6. How do I find SEO keywords?

      Step 1: Make a list of interesting, relevant topics based on what you know about your company. Step 2: Fill these lists with keywords. Step 3: Analyse search words. Step 4: Test a combination of keywords and long-tail in each list.

    • 7. What is a good keyword?

      A successful keyword can be defined in different ways. They can be very targeted or broad. A general term may produce a higher search rate than other terms, but in general, top search engine ranking for a specific keyword phrase will give your site a higher conversion rate.

    • 8. How do I find my competitors keywords?

      By using Google Keyword Planner Tool. Select search for new keywords using a expression, website or category, enter the URL of your competitor and click get ideas. Review the list of keywords.

    • 9. How do you write keywords?

      Ideally, keywords should be 2-4 word phrases; single word keywords are appropriate, but they can lead to several wrong matches. Keywords should include words and phrases indicating the subject. Include words and phrases closely related to your topic.

    • 10. How do you use keywords?

      First, use the main keyword in the first few sentences, or at least in the first paragraph. Next, using the keyword and its variations in text. Including latent semantic indexing (LSI) keywords, rather than the exact keyword, is the best practise.

    • 11. What is the importance of keywords?

      Keywords are critical because they are the linchpin between what people search for and the content you offer to meet that need.

    • 12. What are primary keywords?

      Primary keywords are the main keywords you want to rank for. You optimise these keywords to rank higher in search engines. For example laptop chargers have the highest search rate. Secondary keywords mean those keywords that plays supporting role.

    • 13. How many keywords should I use?

      The exact number would depend on your budget and timeline for results, but usually targeting around 5 keywords (each with a monthly search volume of 200+) is recommended for most small businesses.

    • 14. Can you have too many keywords?

      It sounds almost problematic, but you can have too many keywords. Using too many keywords is also called "keyword stuffing," which is the practise of jamming as many keywords as possible into a single post.

    • 15. Does Google use keywords for SEO?

      Part of the SEO process is using keywords, terms and phrases describing your contents. Google also uses the information to decide which content is important to a particular search query, and how the page will rank in searches for a specific word. That's what makes a web page rank in SERPs.

    • 16. How to find niche keywords?

      Defining your niche. Identifying your niche before performing keyword analysis. Testing keywords to find the right keywords. Analyzing your list of keywords. Tracking and adapting keywords as needed.

    • 17. How to increase keyword ranking?

      Measure rankings. Targeting the right keywords. Fixing technological problems. Focus on user experience. Optimizing keywords for users and search engines. Creating eye-catching and engaging terms. Keep an eye on search algorithm updates.

    • 18. How to choose meta keywords?

      The most important thing to keep in mind when choosing or optimising your meta keywords is to ensure that each keyword accurately represents your page contents. It's not good to get traffic with keyword phrases like "low rate loan" and "find a divorce lawyer" if your business sells food.

    • 19. How long it will take to conduct keyword research?

      About 10 days. Keyword research takes 10 days to complete and moves into keyword strategy growth. With these keyword discoveries, an SEO campaign assembles a keyword strategy to increase organic traffic to your website.

    • 20. How many meta keywords should you have?

      Generally, within each of your meta tags, you should aim for the following character limits: page title – 70 characters. Metabolism – 160 characters. Meta keywords – only 10 keyword phrases.

    • 21. Can SEO keywords be phrases?

      Your SEO keywords are the keywords and phrases in your web content that allow search engines to find your site. A website that is well-optimized to "speak the same language" as its potential SEO user base with keywords that help attract searchers to your site.

    • 22. How competitive is a keyword?

      Many people use a keyword tool to tell them how competitive a keyword is. That's false. Keyword competition is the level of difficulty in ranking a keyword. Essentially, it gives you a sense of how many web pages to beat to win a top spot in search engine rankings.

    • 23. How do I find high volume keywords?

      The effective tool for obtaining keyword search volume data is Google keyword planner , where you can get a list of search keywords related to your industry. You can get the search volume data in that list, and it also shows some tips about the specified keyword.

    • 24. What is the ideal keyword density?

      Most SEO experts believe an ideal keyword density is about 1-2%. This means the target keyword appears about 1-2 times per 100 words. At this rate, the keyword appears enough times to show search engines what the page is about without stuffing keywords.

    • 25. How many keywords would you focus on per page?

      At the bare minimum, some pages that have a particular emphasis, addressing just one question. You're far more likely to hit two or three keywords per page, even if they're only similar variations. Over four is a little crowded; after all, every page has just one title tag and meta description.

    • 26. What are different types of keywords?

      There are 9 keyword types: shorttail, longtail, short-term, long-term, product-defining, customer-defining, geo-targeting, LSI and targeting. Both these keywords have unique power to multiply the SEO efforts when used in various situations.

    • 27. What are product keywords?

      Keywords are keywords that best describe your product. Those are the keywords that the average searcher would type in Google's search engine if they are searching for a particular product, service , or concept they want to acquire or gain information about.

    • 28. What is keyword stemming?

      Stemming or keyword stemming refers to Google's ability to understand various search query word types or forms. It's called stemming, since it's the word stem, base, or root. Google has long used keyword stemming in its algorithms.

    • 29. What is LSI keyword?

      LSI keywords are terms and phrases that, according to many in the SEO community, Google sees as semantically relevant to a subject. When you're thinking about cars, the keywords might be automotive, engine, road, tyres, vehicle, and automatic transmission.

    • 30. What is keyword cannibalization?

      Keyword cannibalization is when a single website mistakenly uses the same keyword throughout numerous articles or pages. Therefore, sometimes neither page ranks for the target keyword.

    • 31. What is keyword streaming?

      Keyword streaming is a website search engine optimization tool. Keyword streaming involves taking a basic but popular keyword related to a particular website and adding a prefix, suffix, or pluralizing to make the keyword a new word.

    • 32. What is keyword proximity and keyword prominence?

      Keyword prominence refers to how prominent keywords are on a website. The general advice is to place keywords on or near the start of a website, paragraph, title or meta description tag. Proximity keyword. Keyword proximity means closeness between two or more keywords.

    • 33. What is SEO cloaking?

      Cloaking is a search engine optimization (SEO) technique that differs the content provided to the search engine spider from that provided to the user's browser. Cloaking is also used as a spamdexing tactic to try to sway search engines to offer a higher site ranking.

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