SEO Audit

An SEO audit is a standard procedure that should occur regularly and it is basically a health check for your website.

Home SEO Audit

Why is SEO Audit Important

There are hundreds (at least 210) of search engine ranking signals checked to determine where the site would rank with any search query. Some of them have more weight than others, but if not optimized, they can all hinder the efficiency of your site. SEO audit aims to analyse as many of these (known) ranking signals to show what is working well, what elements need improvement, and what areas of your site need attention.


There are two ways to audit the SEO.


  1. Manually use our comprehensive checklist.
  2. Using advanced website analysis software to make auditing as easy as typing your URL and waiting for results.

12 Reasons Why Your Business Absolutely Needs SEO

SEO is important for enhanced searchability and visibility but gives more real value than this. Below are 12 reasons why businesses need to push their brand to the next level. Many brands and companies know (or assume they know) that they need SEO for their digital marketing and that they will benefit from leveraging the search engine.


SEO will boost the overall searchability and visibility of a website, but what other real benefit does this offer? How does SEO have such an important role to play?


These 12 examples will provide some insight into why businesses need SEO to take their brand to the next level, regardless of the sector or size of the business.

1. Organic Search Is Most Often the Primary Source of Website Traffic

Organic search is an essential part of the success of most business websites, as well as a vital component of the buyer’s enclosure and eventually enables users to complete a conversion or engagement. As marketers know, Google holds a much greater market share of searches than competitors like Yahoo, Bing, Baidu, Yandex, DuckDuckGo, and many, many others.


That’s not to say that all search engines don’t lead to brand popularity — they do — it’s just that Google dominates about 75 percent of the search market in general. It is a clear leader and so it is important to obey its guidelines. But the remaining 25% of the market that other search engines own is obviously also valuable to brands.


Google, the most visited website in the world (as well as the United States in particular), is also the most popular email provider in the world (with over 1 billion users). YouTube the second-largest search engine to say that.


We know that Google is engaging an overwhelming majority of the world that has access to the Internet at least once a day to get the information.

2. SEO Builds Trust & Credibility

Any experienced SEO ‘s goal is to lay a strong foundation for a beautiful website with a clean, effective user experience that is easily discovered in search, thanks to the brand’s trust and credibility and digital properties. Many elements go to establish search engine authority such as Google. In addition to the aforementioned causes, authority is accumulated over time as a result of such elements as:

  1. Profiles with quality backlink.
  2. Positive behaviour towards users.
  3. Signals of Machine-learning.
  4. Elements and content optimised on-page.

But it will do more for a brand to establish that authority than most, if not all, other digital optimizations. Problem is, confidence and reputation can not be built up overnight — just as real life is. Over time the authority is earned and constructed. Establishing a mark as an authority requires patience, effort and commitment, but also relies on offering a valuable, quality product or service that enables customers to trust a brand.

3. Good SEO Also Means a Better User Experience

Everybody needs better organic rankings and the greatest possible exposure. Few realise that getting there is a big part of having an optimal user experience. Google has learned how to perceive a user interface that is beneficial or unfavourable and a good user experience has become a key factor in the success of a website. Know what customers want. If they can’t find it, then there will be an problem. So output is going to suffer.


A good example of creating a positive user interface is how Google has gradually become a answer engine providing users the requested data directly on the SERPs ( search engine results pages). The aim is to provide users with the information they are searching for instantly and conveniently with less clicks. Value SEO integrates a favourable user experience and leverages it to function in favour of a company.

4. Local SEO Means Increased Engagement, Traffic & Conversions

With the rise and increasing domination of mobile traffic, local search has become an essential part of the success of small and medium-sized enterprises. Local SEO aims to tailor your digital resources for a particular area , allowing customers to quickly and easily locate you, taking them one step closer to a purchase.
Local optimizations focus on specific cities, cities , regions, and even states, in order to establish a viable medium for local brand messaging. SEO pros do so by optimising the website and content of the company, including local quotes and backlinks, as well as local listings related to the area and business field of which a brand belongs.


As a starting point, SEO pros should optimise the Knowledge Graph panel of a brand, its Google My Business listing and its social media profiles to promote engagement at the local level. There will also be a heavy focus on Google app feedback, as well as other feedback sites such as Yelp, Home Advisor, and Angie’s List (among others), depending on industry.

5. SEO Impacts the Buying Cycle

Customers are investigating. This is one of the internet’s greatest strengths from a buyer ‘s viewpoint. A game changer would be the use of SEO techniques to relay the communications for good offers, innovative goods and/or services, and the quality and value of what you give customers.


It would certainly also have a positive effect on the purchasing process when done right. Brands have to be prominent in the places consumers need them to create a meaningful connexion. Local SEO increases awareness, helping potential customers to find the answers, and providing those responses to businesses.

6. SEO Best Practices Are Always Being Updated

It’s awesome to have SEO strategies applied on a brand ‘s website and through its digital assets, but if it’s a short-term investment (budget restrictions, etc.) and the platform isn’t regularly re-evaluated over time, it can hit a point that it can’t change further due to other obstacles. The way the search environment evolves, ultimately at Google’s whim, needs continuous monitoring of changes to stay ahead of the competition and, ideally, on Page 1.


The companies will also benefit from being vigilant and tracking for big algorithm changes. We know that Google updates thousands of algorithms a year. Fall too far behind and it’s going to be incredibly hard to come back. SEO pros are working to make sure that’s prevented.

7. Understanding SEO Helps You Understand the Environment of the Web

With the ever-changing environment which is the World Wide Web, staying on top of the changes as they occur can be a challenge. Yet remaining on top of the SEO means being in the search loop for the big changes. Knowledge of the Internet climate, including strategies used by other local, comparable businesses and rivals, will also be of benefit to those brands.

8. SEO Is Relatively Cheap

It does cost money, of course. All the best things do, right?


Yet in the grand scheme of things SEO is fairly inexpensive and the payoff would most likely be substantial in terms of the gain and the bottom line of a company. That’s not a marketing cost; it’s a real investment in business. Better implementation of the SEO will carry water in the years ahead. And, just like most things in life, the more exposure (and investment) it gets can only be better.

9. It’s A Long-Term Strategy

Within the first year of action being taken, SEO can (and hopefully does) have a noticeable impact, and many of those actions will have an impact that lasts longer than several years. As the market evolves, yes, it is best to keep a close eye on the trends and changes. Yet even a website that hasn’t introduced a boatload of extreme SEO guidelines will benefit from simple SEO best practises found on an honest website with good user experience. So the higher so longer a website stands to be a worthy competitor in its market, the more SEO time , energy, and budget that is devoted to it.

10. It’s Quantifiable

Although SEO does not deliver the easier-to-calculate ROI like paid search, with proper monitoring and analytics you can quantify just about anything. The main challenge is trying to link the dots at the other end, because there is no definitive way of explaining the connexion of all the behaviour taken. Still, it’s worth understanding how, and hopefully, certain actions are supposed to affect performance and growth.


Every successful SEO should look for such changes, so it should not be a challenge to link the dots. Brands also want to know and understand where they were, where they are, and where they are going in terms of digital results , particularly for SEO when they have a person / company to be paid for executing in their name. There is no better way of demonstrating SEO ‘s performance, either. We ‘re both conscious that the data never lies.

11. SEO Brings New Opportunities to Light

High-quality SEO should always find a way for brands to explore and exploit new possibilities, not only to be discovered but to shine. Offering quality SEO to brands means submersing an SEO team in everything that is that brand. It’s the only way to market a brand really with the love and appreciation that the owners of the company have for it: being a stakeholder. The more a brand is known, the greater the incentives that will exist to help it grow. One can say the same about SEO.

12. If You’re Not on Page 1, You’re Not Winning the Click

It is no secret in the SEO world that if you’re not on Page 1, you probably won’t ruin the organic search game. A new analysis reveals that almost 40 per cent of all click-throughs come from the first three organic search ranking positions, although up to 30 per cent of all results on Page 1 and 2 are not clicked at all.


What does that mean? Two facts:


  1. If you’re not on Page 1, then you must be.
  2. There are far so many cases of a user entering a search query and not being able to locate just what they are searching for.

What are the 6 key benefits of performing an SEO audit?

1. Improve your site’s overall performance

It’s no secret Google is in love with a nice website. Site performance is really a key factor in rankings. Running an SEO audit will show any problems the website may have, such as low-speed or site map problems. It can also create security concerns that could be facing your website. Some of these issues can be solved instantly but others can take longer. Don’t be disheartened if you made changes and saw no noticeable improvements — in certain cases, it can take weeks for Google to notice changes. We suggest periodically performing an audit of the SEO. External changes can affect your website’s performance so regular maintenance is required.

2. Put an end to any historic SEO practices for which you're now being penalised

Optimisation of search engines is an area which is continually developing. A few years ago, buying links that were direct to your website was a standard SEO method. These toxic links can be detrimental to your search rankings even though link building is still an important feature of any SEO strategy today. An SEO audit can help identify those bad historical practises that will improve the overall SEO of your website once it is removed. Check out these 12 SEO tips and tricks for overnight improvement of your organic reach.

3. Find out which keywords you are actually ranking for

When we share with clients every keywords they ‘re actually ranked for, it always comes as a surprise. An SEO audit offers crucial information in the search results about your organic presence. Once you know what you’re ranking for (or what you’re not), you can optimise your content accordingly. You may have written the best content about a subject, but if the correct keywords are not optimised properly, how will your target customer find it? Find out how to master search trends and rank higher on Google.

4. Understand which keywords are bringing in traffic and converting leads

It’s nice to score high for keywords! But if those keywords don’t generate traffic or the right kind of traffic, it’s just about pointless. If you notice that you’re ranking well for a certain keyword, but that keyword generates little traffic, it may be because your buyer persona doesn’t study the vocabulary or has a low volume of searches. Using an SEO audit to understand the words and variations your target customer uses for the search. Then, in your SEO strategy, you can leverage this expertise by developing and optimising content to fill the gaps.

5. Know where you are with SEO by monitoring your progress

After you have run an SEO audit and the improvements have been introduced, it is necessary to replicate this process on a regular basis. It not only helps you monitor your progress toward enhancing your search engine profile, but also gives you a clearer understanding of what you can do next. SEO is a continual digital marketing operation, after all. SEO tools like SEMrush will help keep an eye on development.

6. See what your competitors are doing SEO-wise

Would you have an irritating competitor in the search engine rankings, who just seems to beat you? Would you like to find out the keywords they are rating for in greater depth? Conduct an audit on a rival or two, as well as conducting your own SEO audit. It’s a perfect way to evaluate your competition and collect knowledge you can use in your plan for SEO. Analysis of competitive SEO is perfectly appropriate, and definitely worth doing. Download our free ebook below to learn more about how to master search patterns and see ROI from your inbound marketing activities.

SEO Audit Services

Our SEO audit service covers more than 250 technical parameters which ensures that we improve your conversions.

Competitor Research Audit

Knowing your competitors, how they position themselves, what goods and services they provide, and how they speak about them, is a very good way for you to ensure that your content is distinct and relevant for your personas (who also actually look at your competitors). It lets you remain competitive and important to your customers.

Architecture Audit

Architecture audit is how website pages are organised and linked together. An optimal website allows users and crawlers easily find what they’re searching for on a website. Pages that are several clicks from your homepage and not linked from any other page, Googlebot may have trouble locating and indexing those pages.

Technical Website Audit

A technical website audit diagnoses the website’s crawling and indexing errors. The aim is to provide solutions to all technical issues that negatively affect the efficiency of your website, which translates into weak SERPs rankings. You need a solid technological website platform to outrank your competitors.

On-Page Optimisation Audit

We found that the vast majority of websites had many issues preventing their search engine ranking. On-Page SEO is the method of optimising individual web pages to rank higher and improve traffic in search engines. On-Page refers to a page content and HTML source code that can be modified.

Content Quality Audit

Content quality audit keeps track of the contents, including blog posts, social media articles, events, and web sites, and evaluate how they affect audiences. This audit can also provide insights into how to enhance underperforming contents, so you know how to tweak your posts for better conversion rates.

Site Speed Audit

How quick loads your website? See how the site performs, reveal why it’s slow, and discover opportunities for optimization. We’ll breakdown your page results in a summarized report. We’ll check your page on a schedule and keep track of how it’s going. Set an warning and get alerted when your page is underperforming.

User Experience Audit

A User Experience Audit (UX Audit) is a way to find less-than-perfect areas of a digital product. Unlike financial audits, a UX audit uses analytical approaches to extend an existing situation and provide user-centric improvement suggestions based on heuristics. Basically, a UX audit will let you know how to improve sales.

Off-Page Optimisation Audit

Off-Page SEO refers to actions taken outside your own website to affect your search engine rankings (SERPs). Optimizing off-site ranking factors includes enhancing search engine awareness and perception of a site’s popularity, importance, trustworthiness, and authority. It is achieved by linking reputable websites.

Link Building Analysis

Link building is the process of getting other websites to link back back to your website. Both marketers and business owners should be involved in building ties to drive referral traffic and increase authority of their website. Backlinks remain an significant factor in how each search engine decides to rank a website.

Successful SEO is not about tricking Google

It’s much easier to double your business by doubling your conversion rate than by doubling your traffic.

Better content is outweighing more content.

What gets measured gets improved.

Slow sites equal fewer profits and visitors.

Focus on searcher intent.


Let’s get started

We aim to deliver the best solution for your business at an honest price. We actively study and suggest emerging ideas when they make sense. We enjoy what we do and we’re bringing  passion and dedication to every project we’re working on. Put it simply, if you want a technology partner who cares about your business, choose IndexAPage.

Unmatched Analysis

After thorough market research on customer brand and offerings, we set goals for each project and map clear strategy to meet these goals.

Increased Visibility

We promote your business in online platforms to offer optimal web exposure, such as major search engines, forums and social media.

Higher ROI

When your website is optimally exposed online, visitors get attracted to your website and buy your product and services to bring growing returns.

Long Term Results

We use effective digital marketing methodologies, practices and techniques to achieve long term top placement in SERPs for our clients.

Cost Effectiveness

We offer our reliable, top-class digital marketing services at a price everyone can afford. For our services, you don't need to make a hole in your pocket.


We believe transparency is key to building client trust. Therefore, we keep our clients updated by providing monthly reports highlighting key results.

SEO is constantly changing

Each search engine has its own algorithm and it’s regularly altered with updates.

You need to be able to adapt to new SEO tactics.

Your competitors are racing to a better ranking than you.

Slow sites equal fewer profits and visitors.

Focus on keywords that’ll give you the greatest returns

Quote Request Form

Please fill out the form below to receive a free quote for our SEO audit services. Select what services you are interested and we’ll contact you as soon as possible.

    The Most Asked Question About SEO Audit

    We’ve collated some of SEO audit’s most asked questions into a convenient, jargon-busting FAQs to help address popular search queries.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    • 1. What is SEO Audit

      An SEO audit is the process of assessing how well your web presence corresponds to best practises - it's the first step in developing an implementation plan with tangible results. The objective of the audit is to identify as many fundamental issues affecting the performance of organic searches as possible.

    • 2. I heard of free online SEO audit tools. How are your findings different from them?

      Google examines over 200 website ranking factors. The free SEO tools send you information on only a few of these website related factors. Indeed, most reports they produce lack a personalised approach to individual websites, and their recommendations are relatively generic. Our thorough SEO Audit report will give you a clear overview of what plagues your website and the solution to fix it.

    • 3. What degree of link profile audit is provided in your service?

      As part of our SEO audit service, we provide an overview of the authority and consistency of link profiles. Nevertheless, our monthly retainer service provides a comprehensive link audit that involves disallowing bad links. For more details, contact us for a conversation.

    • 4. What's in the final SEO audit report?

      The final SEO audit report includes a technical summary of the website design and code, statistics on page features, and an overview of off-page research including link building. The study will act as a strategic advice document to upgrade the website to better score on search engine rankings.

    • 5. Which kind of access is needed for my website's comprehensive SEO audit?

      To begin with, we'll need access to your Google Analytics and Google Search Console.

    • 6. What is the underlying importance of SEO auditing?

      A thorough SEO audit enables a systematic analysis of the website to identify website design and code, content quality, internal and external links, etc. Such issues hamper search engine crawling and website indexing and thus impact rankings on specific keywords. A comprehensive audit will help you rectify the problems and improve your search engine rankings.

    • 7. Which particular factors an SEO audit analyses?

      Factors such as web page code, URL structure, page load time, sitemap, and robots.txt file are analysed to ensure search engines pick up the right pages and rank your website. We also analyse canonics and redirects, contents for quality and duplication, check for optimization of images, and assess navigation and design for user-friendliness and responsiveness.

    • 8. How long does the SEO audit take?

      A thorough SEO audit depends entirely on your website size such as number of pages, your competitors, and niche you are targeting etc. It takes an average of 45-60 working days to complete the process and submitting the final report.

    • 9. What's next after the SEO Audit process?

      By sharing the comprehensive SEO audit report with you, you can decide to execute your internal team's recommendations in the study, or outsource it to our team to execute them for you. Together with the SEO audit report, we will have a cost estimates for our execution services.

    • 10. Why is SEO audit so important?

      SEO audit is important to understand your website's strengths, shortcomings, and long-term success potential. This SEO technical review will help you find technical issues that hinder search engines from crawling through your site or understanding content.

    • 11. Which is the best SEO audit tool for the website?

      Here are 10 trusted SEO audit tools for you in 2020. Woorank is an awesome website audit tool and this tool is very useful for website managers, SEO firms, and digital marketing companies. Some other tools include Raventools, Semrush, Moz, WebCEO, SpyFu, SEO Page Checkup.

    • 12. How much SEO audit will cost?

      Usually, the cost of a professional SEO site audit starts at $5,000; but that depends on how deep or complicated your business needs to go. It can range from $3,000 to $30,000; depending on depth and size.

    • 13. How do you audit a website?

      Here's why you should regularly audit your site and how to conduct a comprehensive site audit. Use the web audit tool. Run the site URL through the site audit tool. Find technical errors. Identify SEO problems. Analyze layout and UX. Evaluate website contents etc.

    • 14. What's auditing a website?

      A website audit is a thorough review of the search visibility and ranking of your website. A complete and detailed SEO audit will give you a deeper understanding of why your site doesn't generate the traffic you think it should or why your sales and conversions don't improve.

    • 15. How much should I spend for SEO?

      Depending on what you can afford, the size of your website and the amount of content you generate, you may expect to spend between 5 and 50 hours a month to your SEO strategy & services. Depending on most digital marketing companies' existing prices, this could cost anything between $500 and $10,000 a month.

    • 16. What is UX Audit?

      A User Experience Audit (UX Audit) is a way to identify less-than-perfect areas of a digital product, revealing which parts of a site or app cause user headaches and stymies.

    • 17. How can I improve my website SEO?

      Follow these tips to boost your search engine optimization (SEO) and watch your website rank to top search engine results (SERPs). Publish relevant content. Review contents periodically, metadata & title optimisation. Have link-worthy website. Using tags alt and optimise images.

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